4th Grader Students Learn About 3D Printing

Few weeks ago, we had a Parent Team Mentor for a 4th grade First Lego League Robotics Team at Covenant Christian School in Town and Country reached out to us to visit 3D printing program at WashU. The 4th graders at the Covenant Christian School have voted to study 3D printers as part of their season this […]

Reminder: Microsoft applications may require users to reauthenticate on 10/20th (Links to an external site)

On the evening of October 20, WashU IT will enhance the university’s cloud-based Microsoft services. As a result, users may see authentication (login) prompts on Microsoft applications such as Teams, Outlook, Office, and OneDrive on their devices. These prompts are expected. Completing the WUSTL Key authentication process will restore service for those applications.